Friday, June 17, 2011

Philosophy of Education

   I believe that school should be a very exciting place for a student. To engage my students, I employ a variety of methods in the classroom. My goal is to integrate as many learning styles as possible into my lessons. I feel that visual learning, though art and media, is an extremely important and relevant strategy to use in my English classroom. Students should be exposed to a variety of sources and information, so that they can better understand the outside world.
            It is important to be flexible in the classroom.  I encourage my students to question and be curious. I enjoy the spontaneous conversations and discussions that arise from such interest. These lessons often speak to the real world skills that my students will need in life.
            It is important to me that I know my students, and understand their respective cultures, as well as their personalities. Each student is an individual, and I want my teaching style to reflect my understanding of this as much as possible. It is very important to conference with students, so that I may better understand their goals for their education and life as a whole.
            It is important to me that I provide my students with real world skills that they can use outside of the English classroom. I seek to provide my students with information that is relevant and helps them to better understand the world that they are living in. Many students ask the question “why are we learning this?” It is important to me that I have a good answer for my students when they ask this question. I want to highlight the universality of certain themes including love, loss and the human condition. I will help my students to make the connection between these themes that we see in books and in the real world.
            My classroom will be a place of open books and open minds. I seek to foster a passion in my students for reading and writing, while helping them to develop a better sense of themselves and their place in the world.

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