Thursday, July 14, 2011

Understanding by Design: Research Paper

Understanding by Design:
Writing a Research Paper

Summary of Curricular Context:
The skills needed to write a research paper are important to be successful in 9th grade English, as well as for the rest of English and High School. The prior knowledge that students will have is:
*      Knowledge of basic paragraph and essay format.
*      Familiarity with the internet, and how to utilize it for research.
*      Knowledge of the MLA format.
*      Knowledge of how to peer edit.

Illinois State Standards (Objectives):
5.B.5a- Evaluate the usefulness of information, synthesize information to support a thesis, and present information in a logical manner in oral and written forms.

3.B.4b  Produce, edit, revise and format work for submission and/or publication (e.g., manuscript form, appropriate citation of sources) using contemporary technology.

3.B.4c  Evaluate written work for its effectiveness and make recommendations for its improvement.

Unit Goals:
1. Students will be able to synthesize the research material that they have gathered into a coherent and interesting research paper.
2. Students will be able to apply the skills that they have learned to construct future research papers, no matter the subject.

Stage 1
Enduring Understandings:

  1.  Why does research matter?
  2. Can anyone conduct research?
Essential Questions What are the essential questions you can ask to guide inquiry?
  1.  How should research be conducted?
  2. Does format, with regard to writing a paper, matter?
  3. Is it important to break the research process down into smaller steps?
*      Where does a thesis belong?

*      How do you determine between a quote that is viable and one that is not?

*      How do you gather facts?

*      What is the importance of drafts and editing?

*      Word Processing

*      Searching on the internet

*      How to write an outline

*      Paragraph and essay structure


  1. Bri, I wish that I would have learned these important skills in the ninth grade in relation to writing reseach papers. Are you going to include information on searching for pulished sources such as books and magazines? Also will you discuss how to effectively conclude a research paper. This lesson seems very detail oriented and well thought out.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bri,

    Your lesson looks really good. One thing I wondered while reading your lesson was if you were going to talk about quality or credible resources because you mentioned using the internet as a research tool. I know when I had 9th graders research last year they went straight for wikipedia or used the first few things that popped up on google.
